Register for the 6th National Forum! for the 6th National Forum!

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About the HCIE

The Palestinian Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence (HCIE) was established in 2013 by Supreme initiative from H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Abbas; the President of State of Palestine. The HCIE is a cross-sectorial presidential body that oversees the whole innovation and entrepreneurship field in Palestine and diaspora, it has 47 board members who are representing all stakeholders from ministries, universities, associations, federations, private sector, and NGO..
Those distributed into main 6 committees which drawing the vision for the Entrepreneurial Palestinian Community: Policy and Planning, Stimulation and Exploration, Central Evaluation, Experimental Incubation, Investment and Fund, and International Relations. The HCIE offers different kinds of financial and logistic supports for the innovators, entrepreneurs, and ecosystem, for example: monthly grant for developing ideas and improving prototypes, funds for startups, national database, international nomination, linking between the entrepreneurs themselves and investors, and building capacity …
For more information:

About the forum …

Since its establishment, the Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence has sought and seeks to enhance the system of Innovation and excellence with its components from the national sectors, including academic, research, private, governmental, civil, media, and financial sectors in order to achieve a competitive national economy based on knowledge. The Council, with its members representing various sectors of the national innovation system, realizes that this is achieved through building cooperation between various development sectors that are governed by regulatory and encouraging legislations and laws with appropriate incentive system and good investment environment that support the establishment of the foundations of a sustainable knowledge economy. Keeping that in mind, the economic development can only be sustained by keeping pace with scientific and technological progress, accelerated knowledge production, activating science, technology and national Innovation system, and ensuring the efficiency of its performance in order to achieve national goals.
On this basis, the organization and holding of the Sixth National Forum under the title “A Transition to Innovation” coincides with the establishment of the “National Complex for Innovation and Excellence” as one of the most important stations in the national transformation towards strengthening the pillars of Innovation, activating its systems, ensuring the participation of all development sectors, activating and laying the foundations, standards, legislation, and national regulations that achieve this national vision.
For this purpose, the sixth forum will provide a platform for dialogue to complete the establishment of a national system for Innovation and excellence, and enhancing its performance, by laying down an appropriate legal and legislative environment, and strengthening the cooperation between the components of innovation system to achieve the desired transformation, and ensuring that all players are filling their respective responsibilities to achieves the desired sustainable developmental creative environment. In addition, there would be a presentation and discussion of success stories of other countries in regards to transition to innovation as a witnessing model on the possibilities of transition
Forum’s Objectives

1. Developing the foundations of an enabling national structure of a transition to Innovation and creativity by involving all sectors of science, technology and innovation system.
2. Activating the efficiency enhancers of the performance of the Innovation system and its units, whether legislative, legal, research and entrepreneurship, economic and investment, productivity, knowledge management, and funding.
3. Keeping pace with the rapid global development of knowledge production and management and its transformation into competing technologies, and the role of science, technology and innovation systems in achieving development through the transfer and employment of supportive technologies.
4. Strengthening the concept of developing a competitive and sustainable knowledge economy in achieving resilience and development and the role of an incubating and development environment.
5. Develop horizons of development that is based on Innovation towards a 2030 vision, and the role of the components of the national system of science, technology and Innovation.

Target groups

­ National and international institutions working in the fields of science, technology and innovation.
­ National, regional and international institutions that support, fund and invest in innovation, creativity and excellence.
­ Institutions of higher education and national, regional and international research institutions.
­ National Innovation actors, including government, private, industrial, civil, and media sectors.
­ Young innovators.

Forum’s Themes:

1. The National Innovation System – Components, Empowerment, and Sustainability
The National Innovation System (NIS) consists of the science, technology and innovation system components, built with concerted efforts to use new knowledge and exploit it economically and socially within the borders of the country. In order for the system to be integrated, there must be an organizational framework that activates the relationships and linkages between the components of the science, technology and innovation system and linking them to the national development and economic policies with specific goals, so that they are implemented through well-studied strategic plans.
Hence, the role of the Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence comes as a reference and a higher regulatory body that brings all parties together under its umbrella, to adopt specific measures that contribute to the development of policies and strategic plans Accordingly, this theme will discuss the following topics:
*The legal and legislative incubating and enabling environment for the development of competitive Innovation. The existence of legislation regulating the national innovation and entrepreneurship sector, starting with technology acquisition contracts and passing through the law of start-ups, to legislation that regulates specifications and standards, laws for the protection of intellectual property, and legislation stimulating the private sector to invest in the technology sector and others, ensures the transfer of knowledge to homeland in optimal ways that contribute to embracing investors, creators and entrepreneurs alike.
*Development sectors and the national science, technology and Innovation system. The system of science, technology and innovation is the main engine for advancing the development sectors on which the innovation and creativity process is based. Science is the garden in which all the means and tools of economic development, leading to the knowledge economy, sprout and grow.
*Investment in the innovation system to achieve knowledge and economic yield. To enhance competitiveness at the national level and in preparation for global competition, it is necessary to take into account the financial incentive measures, which are tax and financial incentives for the private and public sectors to invest in research and development, and the introduction of modern technology in all sectors of production and services, as it grants tax and customs facilities that encourage the industrial sector that is based on advanced technology. Introducing and enabling venture capitals to support start-ups based on innovative modern technological ideas. In addition, enacting financial measures to improve the situation of science and technology workers at home, to stop the massive brain drain and bringing them back when possible, and adopting financial measures that encourage interaction and interdependence between the components of the science and technology system.
*The pivotal role of human capital in supporting the innovation system. Human capital is the most important investment capital that guarantees the sustainable development of

nations, and the most beneficial in the long run. Hence, the disciplines that should be focused on must be reconsidered, by analyzing the current situation and the future situation. Accordingly, the focus should be on the formation of university cadres by focusing on quality rather than quantity and introducing modern and approved teaching methods based on dialogue and discussion. This happens with the presence of elite institutions and institutes in the strategic sectors in parallel with the universities, which are concerned with national, regional and international scientific and technological cooperation according to a plan with clear and purposeful features.

2. Transfer and Localization of Technology
Technology transfer is defined as a set of knowledge, experiences and skills necessary to design and manufacture a product or several products and to establish a project by acquiring and generating technology locally. As for the localization of technology or the assimilation of technology, it takes place when local or national specialists are able to understand the production processes, the specifications of the production processes and the specifications of the materials used with the ability to develop and improve them to keep pace with the global development of this technology. This is in preparation for the generation of technology by finding new and innovative or locally developed technologies (technological innovation) through which it can support the national economy by providing solutions to the challenges facing the strategic sectors in the following areas:
*Energy and alternative energy technologies.
*Technology applications in the sectors of agriculture, water management and environmental protection.
*Modern technologies and their uses, including nanotechnology and laser technology.
*Information and communication technology to achieve digital transformation.
*Information and Communication Technology and its Emerging Applications: Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Robotics, Block chain, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning

3.The Transition Towards a Knowledge Economy
The only fact that we cannot deny in the twenty-first century is the rapid and continuous change in various aspects of life, and that global developments in the fields of science, technology and communications have led to the liberalization of labor markets, international investments, the globalization of the economy and the increase in the intensity of global competition. In light of this development, developed countries sought to transform their societies into societies known as “knowledge societies”, and began to create new economic systems based on knowledge in which they lost material assets, such as: natural resources, capital, raw materials, etc., and called them secured assets and the human capital became of profitable value and a main criterion for success and progress in various fields.
This, in turn, led to the growing role of science and knowledge in structuring social and economic life to be termed later “knowledge economy”, as the progress of nations became measured by the share of the element of knowledge and technology inherent in them, and the primary resources and the unqualified muscular or manual labor force no longer had any value in the accumulation of Economic wealth and surpluses. Rather, the primary goal has become to achieve well-being by studying production systems and designing knowledge through scientific research and development.
The subject of the knowledge economy represents a new source of knowledge, whether at the level of economic theory, intellectual and methodological frameworks, or at the level of practical applications, but despite the modernity of the term or concept; western studies have occupied themselves during the past two decades with an attempt to find methodological approaches to define its features, especially since this concept has accompanied and accompanies the intensity of interactions created by the information revolution in all its branches and fields, including:
*Enabling technological infrastructure.
*The digital economy.
*Startups and venture capital.
*The industrial sector and the economy of Innovation and creativity.

4.National horizons towards 2030 (Horizon2030)
“This theme reviews the components of the document of the Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence on the foundations of achieving the national transition to Innovation and creativity and its expected impact.”
*Horizons of transition towards 2030.
*Plans and mechanisms – titles and concepts.

When, Where, and How?
On Tuesday & Wednesday, 7th – 8th December 2021
Physically & Virtually

The Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence
Scientists Experts Entrepreneurs
To participate in the 6th National Forum “A Transition To Innovation”

-As a Speaker, click HERE

-As an Exhibitor, click HERE

Deadline: 20th September 2021

Author Description
