HCIE Meets with the Representative Office of Norway-State of Palestine

https://HCIE.ps/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/IMG_0045.jpgHCIE Meets with the Representative Office of Norway-State of Palestine

The Higher Council for Innovation & Excellence (HCIE) conducted an introductory meeting with the Representative Office of Norway-State of Palestine. The meeting was conducted at HCIE. This was the first meeting with H.E. Ms. Torunn Viste-Representative and Ms. Ingrid Norstein-Head of Development Cooperation. H.E. Engineer Adnan Samara-President of HCIE and Advisor for H.E. President Mahmoud Abbas in the Field of Innovation and the staff of HCIE discussed the possible aspects of cooperation and collaboration with Norway especially in the field of Innovation. This is the beginning of a wonderful cooperation between the State of Palestine and Norway in the field of innovation.

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