Call for experts – Consultancy Mission for supporting the HCIE to develop a National Innovation Strategy in Palestine

The technical assistance mission provided by THE NEXT SOCIETY in Palestine is now ready to be launched!

As you know, these expert missions are conducted at national level as a direct follow-up of the public-private dialogue conducted during advocacy panel meetings. They intend to support the implementation of policy measures on innovation and competitiveness.

There is currently no innovation strategy in Palestine but a national framework to support MSMEs was developed with the International Labour Organisation support in 2010. As governmental support, a “National Development Plan” mainly focused on private sector growth in the strategic sectors of agriculture, tourism and ICT has been deployed between 2011 and 2013.

To fill this gap, President of Palestine established in 2012 the Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence (HCIE), a new public initiative acting like an umbrella which coordinates the national innovation actors of the ecosystem. Among other missions, the HCIE aims at providing legal, stimulating and supportive environment for innovation and creativity, and cooperating with the concerned parties in preparing drafts of legislations relating to the innovation and excellence.

As part of its Innovation policy, the HCIE set up a General Framework for a national strategy for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. Through this framework, the institution intends to move Palestine to a new stage “in which the culture of innovation between individuals and emerging businesses will be built and established at the core of its activities, with a focus on a number of trends that will guide the process of innovation in the future.”

To do so, we launch an open consultancy online. In close collaboration with HCIE, THE NEXT SOCIETY partner in Palestine, the selected expert will support the creation of a national innovation strategy in Palestine to guide decisions on the use of resources, optimize the coordination of innovation stakeholders and address the challenges and priorities listed according to the framework already established by the HCIE.

Technical & financial specifications of this consultancy mission are detailed on our website in the Terms of reference of the call.

The consultancy is open for Palestinian and international experts and applications should be sent to THE NEXT SOCIETY coordination team at by December 3rd, 2020.

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